Homework and independent study
Independent study is essential. It gives pupils the opportunity for research, develop independent learning skills and reflection. Through independent study, students are able to consolidate previous learning and prepare for future topics; extend learning in the classroom and assess progress towards their targets; receive feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of their work in each subject area and develop the skills they will need to in preparation for exams.
‘Pre’ Independent Study – this could be to ‘pre-learn’ contextual information and develop understanding or vocabulary.
‘Post’ Independent Study - This comes from what students have learnt in class. This is where knowledge and skills can be practised, applied or consolidated for retrieval.
Inter-house Quiz – Every month, a department will set an optional piece of independent study (such as Microsoft Form) around a topic which is not necessarily covered in class but would be an opportunity to build cultural capital. Achievement points would be awarded accordingly and would feature as an inter-house competition.
Extra Credit pieces of work – Each department will provide suggestions of optional homework projects that students can complete which is beyond their normal studies. Students will be rewarded with achievement points.
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How frequently should independent study be set?
Students are expected to spend two hours a day on independent study. This includes general reading and literacy, and numeracy tasks such as Time Table Rock Stars. Research conducted by the EEF states that students who conduct two hours of independent study per day perform significantly better than their peers who would do less.