Parent Essentials
At Colton Hills we are committed to providing you with all of the information you need to help as you support your child through their education.
Below are links to important information, and if you have any questions please contact us. Read our latest bulletin to see what's happening in school.
Please note the following upcoming changes to uniforms for September 2024/25 and 2025/26.
September 2024/25 – Transition Year
Sixth form students will be required to wear modern business wear. Further explanation and examples are provided on the Sixth Form tab on this website.
In September 2025 we will have our new uniform arrangements in place for skirts, trousers, and PE kit. In the meantime, we are now entering a period of transition. If you are purchasing new school trousers then plain grey tailored straight leg trousers may now be purchased (jersey material, jegging material, skintight material, denim material and flares are not suitable) and a grey stitch down permanent box pleated knee length skirt may be purchased (skater style, above the knee, stretchy non pleated skirts or skirts that have non-permanent pleats are not suitable). Please see images below to ensure that your purchases meet school requirements). Our school uniform suppliers will be selling school agreed trousers and skirts; however, you may purchase these items from any supplier. In September 2025 this will be the expectation for all students.
Our PE top will be transitioning also to a black top with the Colton Hills Community School logo from September 2025, however if the school uniform providers run out of current house colour stock, then they will start to sell the new top. All students are expected to be in the new top in September 2025. All PE leggings, tracksuit bottoms and shorts need to be sports wicking, black in colour. Non-logoed items may be worn for PE / Dance from January if new kit is being purchased (cotton and fashion leggings / shorts and cycling shorts are not permitted for PE/Dance). Fashion PE kit and kit with large obvious branding may not be worn. Our school uniform suppliers will sell shorts, leggings, tracksuit bottoms and mid layers that are school approved; however, you may purchase these items from any supplier (please see images below to ensure that your purchases meet school requirements).

Our uniform policy including the main school uniform, PE Kit and equipment checklist.

Pastoral Support
The school's pastoral care system is well coordinated to ensure students' needs are met.

Leave of Absence Form
Download and print off leave of absence form to request for time off during term time.

Equality Statement
Equality of opportunity is a fundamental right for all members of the CHCS community.