Careers Policies and Curriculum
At Colton Hills Community School we are committed to providing all of our students with a planned programme of careers education activities throughout their school career, with opportunities at key transition points to access impartial information and expert advice and guidance through our Impartial Careers Adviser. We are also committed to maximising the benefits for students by using a whole school approach involving parents, carers, external IAG providers, employers and other local agencies.
By beginning careers education at the very start of their journey at Colton Hills Community School, we believe that students’ aspirations and motivation are increased and they are more equipped to make better informed decisions at key stage transitions.
You can download our careers policies and career curriculum here:
CEIAG Evaluation and Review
At Colton Hills we work closely with the Careers and Enterprise company. This is an external organisation that was set up by the Government to help support schools, colleges and employers follow the Department of Education Careers Strategy, and work in partnership with one another, by sharing good practice and spreading outstanding careers advice, guidance and inspiration to every young person across the country, regardless of their social or economic background.
As a school, we ensure we use the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks as a foundation when planning our CEIAG Careers provision and, the effectiveness of our provision is inspected and audited regularly. Inspections are carried out by the Careers and Enterprise Company, using the Compass Careers Benchmark Tool on an termly basis, by the Careers Leader and our Careers Enterprise Co-Ordinator. The CEIAG Careers plan is then developed, adapted and improved based upon the outcomes of the Compass evaluation.
All CEIAG events are evaluated by students and staff. Feedback is collected though questionnaires, student voice and interviews after each event. Results also feed into the CEIAG development plan.
The effectiveness of careers guidance is reflected in students destinations such as apprenticeships, sixth form and further education colleges, universities or employment. Destination data is used to assess how successfully students make the transition into the next stage of education or training, or into employment and to inform future CEIAG provision.
Please click on the links below to see how, over the last 4 years, our year 11 students have progressed, after completing their studies with us.
At Colton Hills we also have 2 Governors who have the responsibility for overseeing the quality of careers guidance. The Careers Leader reports to the linked Governors, SLT and the Governing body.
The CEIAG policy is reviewed annually by the Careers Leader, SLT and ratified by Governors.
If you have any questions please contact:
CEIAG Aspirations Leader
Telephone: 01902 558420