Our community is vitally important to our school and we are committed to enhancing our relationship with the community we serve. We have a wide range of high quality facilities that are available for our community to use throughout the year. Facilities include swimming pool, football pitches, sports hall, dance studio and a theatre.
For further information on pricing please click on the relevant link below or alternatively contact Miss Banks who will be happy to help.
We also have a number of ways that you can get involved with the school. To keep up to date with everything happening at Colton Hills, follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Együttműködünk a Salamanda Swimming Academy- vel utánpótlás úszásoktatásra, valamint nyilvános úszásoktatást is tartunk.

Célunkra épített színházunkban egy nagy, 80 m2-es színpad található, amely meghaladja a 405 néző befogadóképességét. A technikai támogatást aGoing Dark Theatrical Services biztosítja.
